The project {{cdash.project_name}} has been created successfully.

Click here to access the CDash project page
Click here to edit the project
Click here to download the CTest configuration file
Name of the project.
CDash allows spaces for the name of the project but it is not recommended. If the project’s name contains space make sure you replace the space by the corresponding HTML entity, i.e. %20.
Home URL :
Home URL
Home url of the project (with or without http://) . This URL is referred in the top menu of the dashboard for this project.
Bug Tracker URL:
Bug Tracker File URL:
Bug Tracker Issue Creation:
Enable Issue Creation
CDash can display a link on buildSummary.php if you use a supported bug tracking system. This makes it easy to create a new issue when you notice that a build is broken.
Bug Tracker Type:
New Issue URL:
New Issue URL Link to create a new issue in your bug tracker.
Documentation URL:
Public Dashboard:
Public dashboard
if the box is checked that means that the dashboard is public and anybody can access the dashboard, claim sites and look at the current status. By default dashboards are private.
Authenticate Submissions
Authenticate Submissions
Only accept submissions bearing a valid authentication token.
File too large ({{errorFile.$ngfHeight}}px). Max height allowed is 100px Logo
Logo for this project. For best results choose an image with a transparent background. The logo's height should be no more than 100 pixels.
Current logo:

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Repository Viewer URL:
Repository Viewer URL URL of the Repository viewer
Repository Viewer Type:
Repository View Type
Select an appropriate repository viewer depending on your current configuration.
In order to get the daily updates, CDash should be able to access the current repository. It is recommended to use the anonymous access, for instance If the project needs ssh access, make sure that the user running the webserver running CDash has the proper ssh keys.
Optional. Provide a username if you do not wish to use anonymous access to your repository.
The password corresponding to the above user. WARNING: this password will be stored in plaintext in the database.
Test URL:
Repository Robot:
regex: Repository Robot
Some repositories have a robot in charge of checking in files from another repository. For CDash to be able to assign an author to the checkin files a regular expression must be defined to allow extraction of the author name from the robot checkin.
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Testing Data URL:
Testing Data URL:
CDash can display a link on the main dashboard page to the URL of your testing data
Nightly Start Time:
Nightly start time:
CDash displays the current dashboard using a 24hours window. The nightly start time defines the beginning of this window. Note that the start time is expressed in the form HH:MM:SS TZ, i.e. 21:00:00 EDT.
Coverage Threshold:
Coverage threshold
CDash marks the coverage has passed (green) if the global coverage for a build or specific files is above this threshold. It is recommended to set the coverage threshold to a high value and increase it when the coverage is getting higher.
Enable test timing:
Enable test timing
Enable/Disable test timing for this project.
Test time standard deviation multiplier:
Test time standard deviation multiplier
Set a multiplier for the standard deviation for a test time. If the time for a test is higher than mean+multiplier*standarddeviation, the test time status is marked as failed. Default is 4 if not specified. Note that changing this value doesn’t affect previous builds but only builds submitted after the modification.
Test time standard deviation threshold:
Test time standard deviation threshold
Set a minimum standard deviation for a test time. If the current standard deviation for a test is lower than this threshold then the threshold is used instead. This is particularly important, for tests that have a very low standard deviation but still some variability. Default threshold is set to 2 if not specified. Note that changing this value doesn’t affect previous builds but only builds submitted after the modification.
Test time # max failures before flag:
Test time max status
Set the number of times a test must violate the time status check before it is flagged. For example, if this is set to 2, then a test will need to run more slowly than expected twice in a row before it is marked as having failed the time status check.
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Email submission failures:
Email broken submission
Enable/Disable sending email for broken submissions for this project. This is a general feature.
Email redundant failures:
Email redundant failures
Enable/Disable sending email even if a build has been failing previously. If not checked, CDash sends an email only on the first failure.
Email administrator:
Email administator
Enable/Disable sending email when the XML parsing fails or any issues related to the project administration.
Email low coverage:
Email low coverage
Enable/Disable sending email when the coverage for files is lower than the "Coverage Threshold" value specified on the "Testing" tab.
Email test timing changed:
Email test timing change
Enable/Disable sending email when a test timing has changed. This feature is currently not implemented.
Maximum number of items in email:
Maximum number of characters per item in email:
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Block List
Submission to CDash can be blocked given a sitename, buildname and IP address in order to prevent submissions from an unwanted host.
Block List
Name Site IP address
{{::blockedbuild.buildname}} {{::blockedbuild.sitename}} {{::blockedbuild.ipaddress}}
Build Name:
Site Name:
IP Address:
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CTest Template Script:
Download CTest config
Automatically generated CTest configuration file. downloading this file and putting it at the root of your project, allows to quickly get started with CTest/CDash and submitting to the dashboard.
Download CTestConfig:
Google Analytics Tracker:
Google Analytics Tracker
CDash supports visitor tracking through Google analytics. See “Adding Google Analytics” for more information.
Show site IP addresses:
Show Site IP Addresses
Enable/Disable the display of IP addresses of the sites submitting to this project.
Display Labels:
Display Labels
Enable/Disable the display of the label column for the project. The labels are submitted by the client as part of the submission.
Share Label Filters
Share Label Filters
Pass label filters set on index.php to other related pages like viewTest.php and queryTest.php.
Show coverage code:
Display Source Code in Coverage
Enable/Disable the display of code coverage for the project. Only administrators of the projects can see the source code in the coverage section when this option is disabled.
AutoRemove Timeframe (days):
AutoRemove Timeframe
On the first submission of the day, remove builds that are older than X number of days. If this value is less than 2 days, no builds are removed.
AutoRemove Max Builds:
AutoRemove max builds
On the first submission of the day, remove builds that are older than X number of days. The maximum number of builds that should be removed.
File upload quota (GB):
File upload quota
Enter how many gigabytes of uploaded files to store with this project. If this quota is exceeded, older files will be deleted to make room when new ones are uploaded. The number must be less than or equal to the maximum per-project quota of {{::cdash.project.maxuploadquota}} GB.
Web API Key:
{{::cdash.project.webapikey}} Web API key
Use this key when calling the login method of the web API. It will return a token that you can temporarily use for authenticated access to other web API methods.
Warnings Filters:
Warnings filter
Perform substring matching to filter out build warnings. Enter one filter per line. Any warnings containing one of these filters will not be saved to the database.
Errors Filters:
Errors filter
Perform substring matching to filter out build errors. Enter one filter per line. Any errors containing one of these filters will not be saved to the database.

*Changes need to be updated